Her Weight Loss Mindset | Lose Weight, Meal Prep, Healthy Habits, and Workouts

LIVE COACHING CALL- Macros, Fasting, Weight Loss & Triggers

Lindy Schlabach - Christian Mindset & Weight Loss Coach Season 1 Episode 58

Hear from Erica and her revelations and experiences through the Framework. She has been so intentional in looking inward and listening to God, even when it's hard and uncomfortable. Thank you Erica for your trust through this process.

Erica is continuing to work on her MACRO plan, morning routine and time with God. I love that she is "more sensitive to the Spirit." That, beloved, is the entire PREMISE of the Biblical Weight Loss Framework, to let God lead, even when it's hard.

What did you most take away from Erica today?

Are you sick of trying diet after diet and NOT losing weight?

Hey there friend, I'm Lindy Schlabach, Christian Fitness & Nutrition Coach. I gained 100 pounds in my late twenties and struggled for years to get it off. Seven years ago, I found a basic system that worked and has helped me lose 90 of those pounds. I’ve been working with women in online fitness and nutrition ever since to break chains of diet culture, embrace their bodies and fueling instead of dieting.

In this podcast, I'll teach you how to:

  • • Lose Weight in a Way that honors God without obsessing about the scale
    • Meal Plan and Prep for Your Family
    • Follow a MACRO based plan that allows you to eat the foods you love.
    • Recognize and pray through triggers keeping you stuck.
    • I’ll help you Plan your week and schedule your self-care time.
    • Cultivate a spirit of self-discipline in your workouts you actually enjoy.

    It's time to give God your health journey and watch Him make you new, from the inside, OUT.

Join The Biblical Weight Loss Framework: https://bit.ly/JoinTheWeightLossFramework

Join my FREE Community + get a copy of my Free Weight Loss & Routine Guide: www.herweightlossmindset.com

Check out my FREE Nutrition & Fitness Masterclass: https://youtu.be/EqM9jfQMbBA

Today, you are going to hear from my client, Erica, in her final wrap-up coaching call.

She is finishing up the framework, and here are a few of the thoughts that she had through her month three workbook and then also throughout the entire course.

So stay tuned to hear from Erica.

Hey sister, welcome to Her Weight Loss Mindset.

Are you sick of trying diet after diet and not losing weight?

Do you wish you could find easy meal prep ideas for your family so you're not standing in the kitchen yet again, wondering what everyone is going to eat for dinner that's in line with your goals?

Do you spend hours googling easy workouts, but then have no time to do them because your motivation only goes so far?

Hey there friend, I'm Lindy Schlabach, Christian Fitness & Nutrition Coach, encourager and friend.

I gained 100 pounds in my late twenties and struggled for years to get it off.

Seven years ago, I found a basic system that works and has helped me lose over 90 of those pounds.

I've been working with women in online fitness and nutrition ever since.

In this podcast, I'll teach you how to lose weight in a way that honors God without obsessing about the scale.

And meal plan and prep for your family.

And follow a macro-based plan that allows you to eat the foods you love while you reach your goals.

It's time to give God your health journey and watch him make you new from the inside out.

You've got this sister.

Now, go grab your pre-workout or your third coffee like me and let's chat.

You're fine.

Oh, well, it is what it is.

So today's our rapid call.


How's it going?

Tell me all the things.

This month has been a struggle, I will say.

I've been wrestling and I think trying to grasp that control again.

It just hit me this morning that that's what I was trying to do is, I was making all kinds of excuses for like, why I was not going to do something or whatever, and would try to justify it.

And I think it was just like me not wanting to give up that control.

So like, the fast, I have struggled with that all month.

And it's not done yet, but I'm doing it tomorrow.

And like this morning, I have wrestled and I was in all month.

I'm like, you know, like, what if God's not calling me to that?

And, you know, all these things.

And then this morning, it just was like, God was like, Erica, you know, like, you're not in control of that.

Like, just do it, you know?

Like, it's biblical and, you know, all these things.

And so, yeah.

And I think it's also just because, like, life has been kind of crazy.

And so I think that this was one thing that I could just like grab hold of and be like, no, like, this is like my thing.


So, yeah.

So I think that thinking back to those triggers and everything, that was one thing that God just kind of showed me this morning that, you know, Erica, you're you're trying to like take this again.

And, you know, that's not yours.

So so, yeah, that's kind of where I'm at.

But the recognition is huge, don't you think?

Like, would you have recognized that before?

Probably not.

I probably just would have justified.

And I think that he, like I said, I've wrestled with it all month.

And I'm I'm good at coming up with excuses and like, you know, yeah, yeah, like why I'm not going to do something.

And generally, like in the past, I would be able to make the excuse and just move on.

But he has been kind of just continually bringing it up.

And I've been just trying to just push it away that, well, no, like we're not, you know, why are we thinking about that or whatever?

And I think it's just him bringing it up to me that, you know, no, you need to do this.

You need to let go of that control.

And whether you understand it or not or whatever, like there is a plan in that.

So are we going to fast over control?

Do you have an intention for your fast?


And just giving that up to him and knowing he has a plan and all of the things that are not in my control right now, especially.


Just make sure as you go throughout your day, you're lessening your meals.

Have you been doing that?

Do you have a plan?


Okay, all right.

Because you don't want to go in after eating a huge dinner and then try to start that morning.

It is really hard.

I've been doing that sugar fast.

And we had our shower this weekend.

And my mom's client made these beautiful cupcakes.

And I ate, I think I ate three cupcakes on Saturday.

And she sent four home with us.

And I ate, I had eaten one when we came home that night.

That was my third.

And then I had another one on Sunday.

And Monday morning, I woke up feeling the guilt and the shame.

And he was like, you don't have to feel the guilt and the shame, but you have to get back on the fast.

Like you have to just try again.

Because it's not about the guilt and the shame.

It's about what he's gonna do and how he's going to give us the strength.

And fasting is uncomfortable.

It's unfamiliar.

I have been in church my entire life.

And until the church I started going to where I, you know, reconnected with my faith in 2016, no one had ever told us to fast.

And we did like an entire series on, I think it was like a three weekend sermon series on the Bible saying when you fast.

And there's all of these biblical disciplines that we don't necessarily, they don't make us feel comfortable.

And I remember my first fast and procrastinating.

And I went three days and the Bible says, don't cover your head, wash your face.

Oh, my head was covered.

I was like under a blanket feeling sorry for myself.

And I felt conviction to watch Passion of the Christ.

And it was when Darryl lived next door.

And we watched Passion of the Christ.

I had never watched it before.

And I bawled.

And it wasn't like an unhealthy guilt.

Our pastor like a year ago, he said, shame is from the devil.

Guilt can be Holy Spirit conviction if it's felt in not a guilty way.

And that was what I felt like Jesus gave up everything for me.

I can give up food for him for as long as he tells me.

So I think that time I went into the fast with the intention of three days.

Like my goal is always three days.

And I think it was after like 42 hours.

He was like, that's enough.


So when I was open to what I thought I should do, then in that time, he spoke to me and said, you know, right.

And so it's amazing self-awareness that you got there.



So it's, I even, I was talking to my husband on the way to work yesterday, and I told him, you know, we were supposed to have our call yesterday, and that, you know, I was supposed to do this fast.

And even like yesterday morning, I was like, you know, I don't know that I'm going to do it.

And I said, I don't know that I'm supposed to.

And normally, he would be like, well, you know, like whatever you're like feeling led to do or whatever.

And he was kind of like, well, maybe it's something that like you need to look into.

And I was just like, okay, that's not what you're supposed to say.

But that's another confirmation, just like that God was using that as because I would have used that as another excuse.

Well, you know, Mac confirmed that this is okay.

And so it's hard.

Yeah, it's hard to walk into that battle knowing that like your flesh is constantly at war with the spirit.

Like when I picture like what's going on when I reach for that third cupcake on Saturday, it was like my flesh was literally pushing the spirit out of the way.

Because I didn't need that third cupcake.

But by God, I was, you know, I was like you.

I was like, I can do this.

This isn't gonna whatever.

Well, it's not about the calories.

It's not about the hangover I'm gonna have in the morning from eating crap.

It's about not walking in obedience.

And while he knows we're weak, and he's our strength, the whole point is to focus on obedience.

So month three is like, it's a weird month.

And I want to hear your feedback from the whole program once we're done.

But I feel like at the end, you're kind of like, oh, well, I didn't reach my weight loss goal, which was never the intention anyway.

We've talked about that.

But did I come away with some things?

Was I challenged?

Was I pushed into the spirit?

Was I led in a way?

So think about that as we continue to chat here.

But we've talked about having a bite to taste some things.

We've talked about eating the whole thing instead of stopping after a little bit.

We've talked about we don't want to worry about food.

We don't want you always thinking about having to track macros or what you're going to make for your family.

We don't want food to become an idol even though we're moving beyond this and into the next thing.

The point isn't to be food obsessed, it's to be Holy Spirit led.

reign country and live in, you know, but for the majority of us, that's not the call.Yeah, that's really kind of what this has done.

I mean, I am more mindful of what I am eating and everything like that, so that has been great.

But I think that, like my relationship with Christ and everything before it, it almost felt stagnant.

Like I was just at a, you know, not a whole lot was going on, you know, I just felt like, okay, like, where are we going with this and everything?

You know, what do you have for me?

What do you want me to be doing?

And, and I think this kind of just it restarted things and, you know, me being more sensitive to the spirit and like what he has for me and everything like that, like that has been a huge part of this.

That is awesome.

Which I think is the most important thing.

That's the whole point.

So what I learned to eat a whole or whatever.

No, that's the whole point, Erica.

You know, like, God wants that relationship and wants me to be sensitive to him.


So, yeah.

That is the entire point.

That is like, that is the entire premise.

That's the entire point.

So, moving forward, what do you see?

Where do you see yourself going in the next 90 days, or six months, or 12 months, or what, where do you see this process kind of leading you to from here?

Putting Christ first is like the one thing.

But then also just, I think just in life, like I've gotten kind of selfish with just how I do things.

And I think God has also just showed me like, some things, like you're just gonna have to do things that suck and you don't want to do, and it is what it is.

And you know, you need to be an adult and do it.

You know, I gave you the energy, I gave you these children, I gave you this house, I gave you, you know, this husband, and you need to take care of these things.

And same thing with my body.

Like, you know, I gave you this body, you need to take care of it.

And so whereas before, I think I took all of that for granted.

And so now I'm just making changes to kind of like my daily habits and things, to not take those things for granted.

And then trying to, even just my attitude with it, you know, with home and work, you know, like, healthcare, like, we're burnout, we're tired.

But I have a job that I ultimately love and trying to look at the positives in it, rather than just like how tired I am and don't want to do this, you know, documentation or whatever.

And so, leaning more into, like, God's blessings and allowing him to show me those blessings, rather than living in the negativity of it.

That's amazing.

So, um.

And what about praying through, like, discipleship opportunities?

Do you see, is that an area in your work that, because sometimes, you know, Kimberly and I had this conversation in her last call, and it's, sometimes God is gonna call you to give up all your things and move away to a fo


So, are we walking out the Great Commission where we are, where we live, where we work, where we play?

How can we walk in our God-given purpose, in the business, in the job he's put us in now?

And I think, so, there will be patients that come in, like, I see people in all, like, stages of life, and, you know, people that are in tears, and I've had good opportunities to, you know, pray with people, and I feel like I'm pretty good about sensing, like, when God wants me to do something like that, and I'm pretty good at following through.

But I think with, like, so, I'm the leader of my department, and, one, I don't always portray a positive attitude, because I'm in the thick of it with them.

And, two, like, I'm not necessarily praying for those opportunities with my coworkers either.

And not to say that, you know, that's going to be something that, like, he's calling me to, you know, pray with every single coworker or anything like that, but I think just being that light that they can see and I think the way that I've just been like, my attitude has not portrayed that.

It just, and so I think being that allowing God to shine through me and then to work in my department how he wants to, you know, it doesn't matter what I have planned for it, you know, he can do what he wants and then being diligent about praying for that.

So, because yeah, I've not felt called to, you know, do anything different.

Like I feel like I'm in the profession that God has called me to.

But looking at beyond just the patience of how can I be a light to them, but also like how can I be a light to my coworkers.


So, yeah.

I always think of that, I saw it on Facebook, you're either pushing people to Jesus or you're pushing them away.

And there have been so many times in my life, even in the past couple of years, even in my marriage sometimes, I think, I'm not pushing people to Jesus.

And so again, your level of self-awareness is very inspirational because a lot of people don't have the strength and courage to admit that and then say, okay, Lord, change my heart.

Like, show me.

Like I said, it's been a rough month.

Oh, okay.

This wasn't good.

Trust me, I get it.

I feel like my entire life has imploded and I know that he's called me to build this business, build this framework, and then all of a sudden he's like, bloop, I'm going to drop a massive bomb into your life.

The best bomb that has ever been dropped into my life.

But like you said, he's teaching me to be still and not be selfish because I still crave my routine and all of the things that I've been able to do and all the things I look forward to do.

But my life isn't about me.

It's never been about me.

It's about him.

But in bringing a tiny child into our home, I realized I've been selfish with my time because my routine often comes, even though I pray first, I read first, I do all of my, you know, checking the list.

He's not interested in our checklist, right?

He's interested in commuting constantly all day, discipling and being still.

So I think that's, you know, a great place.

You can incorporate that into your fast, you know, the release of control in all areas of your life.


And I think that's a good one for all of us.

But maybe have some specific things and say, you know, these are areas where I feel like I might hold some control, reveal those to me and show me how I can XYZ.


That's awesome.

What else?

This is great.

I think it's great.

Um, those are kind of the big things.

So, um, I'm considering and I'm going to have to continue to pray about this too, because he's going to have to 100% give me the strength with it.

Um, I've been doing like workouts and everything in the evenings, but now I'm finding that like my kids want to play and they want me to play with them.

And so now I'm getting almost that it's again, some mom guilt, because again, exercising is a good thing with them seeing it, but I think that there needs to be some days that I'm like getting up in the mornings and getting it done.

That way, like I can spend the evenings with them, so that they're not feeling like I'm choosing, you know, to exercise beyond spending time with them.

So, um.

Are you still doing your morning routine?

I have been, um, it's not been at 5.30 though, I will say, um, we had been sick and then, like, I just have struggled with getting up, um, this morning I was going to, and I don't think my alarm was set or, or I slept through it.

I don't know.

I don't know what happened.

So I woke up with at my six o'clock alarm.

So, but I have been doing, like, my devotions in the morning and everything like that.

So I have been making sure that that gets done, whether I'm up at 5.30 or 6.

But I do think that even if I pick, you know, okay, three days a week, I'm gonna get up and-

Yeah, I was gonna say, don't-

Do my devotions at five and workout at five.

You know, and then other days, I can do it in the evenings.

At least then I'm making that like a priority.


That was gonna be my suggestion.

Don't try to go five days.

If you're exercising, you know, four to five nights in the evening and you start doing three in the morning, that gives you three evenings with your family.

You know, and it's, you're doing 30 minute workouts.

You're not leaving to go to the gym to work out an hour and a half.

So on those two nights or three nights that you're working out at home, it's 30 minutes.

Getting them involved, getting them in.

I had my kid in her chair in the workout room yesterday, and she like thinks I'm psycho already.

But, you know, I mean, it's a good example.

It's a good habit to set.

But yeah, I think too, establishing that habit of discipline in the morning to say, okay, Lord, reveal to me the days that I need to get up early so that I have time with my family, and then give me the strength to give myself grace on the days that I want to sleep in or feel I need to sleep in, and he'll lead you.

Yeah, and obviously, like, there are days that, like, I need to sleep and I try to listen to my body, but a lot of it is just that selfish, like, I don't want to get up.

And pay before you go to bed.

Another half hour or hour of sleep, and, because I honestly, I hate working out in the mornings.

It is, ugh.

Okay, so start to switch that, start to switch that, start, take the H-A-T-E word out, and say, I am currently struggling with getting up in the mornings, but it is an area where I want to incorporate better discipline.

And then pray in the evening before you go to bed.

Lord, give me the strength to get up when my alarm goes off and find comfort in your work, because you know that this is not what I necessarily feel like doing, but I want to be obedient.


I realized that we didn't pray before we started.


We'll pray when we're done.

Dang it.

So, tell me what else.

I think this is all good stuff.

Those are the main things.

So, give me some feedback over the last 90 days.

What have you liked about this process?

What would you like to see different?

Just give me kind of your overall reflection.

I liked the triggers and stuff like that.

Like, I felt like that's something that God kind of keeps bringing up.

Yeah, and I think he probably always will.

Yes, and it's a reason.

You know, you're not doing this because you're screwed up.

Well, I mean, we're all screwed up a little bit, but, you know, it's just part of our human nature.

And I think understanding, like, why I'm doing something that helps me to lean into, like, the spirit even more.

That, you know, God, I'm seeking this control over this because, you know, I'm afraid something bad is going to happen.

And, you know, I need you to help me with this.

And so, like, that's been really good.

And I've been able to apply that to multiple different things, you know, in life.

So, the macros I really liked, I think I had said, you know, previous times, like, I don't feel hungry throughout the day.

And so that has been a plus.

And I've, there, I don't track every day, but I am mindful of what I'm eating.

So if I eat, if I eat some junk one day, like, we had ice cream over the weekend, and I had one thing of ice cream, like, a cup of ice cream or whatever.

And so, and then I was good, you know.

And so I feel like I've been able to implement things, like foods in my life that satisfy me and satisfy my cravings without me, like, oh my goodness, I have to have that candy.


Or, oh my gosh, I ate ice cream so many.

I can at times.



So, so that's been good.

But then I think just the biggest thing is just like strengthening my relationship with Christ and then just bringing back the importance of that.

So, you know, spending daily time in the Word and then just being mindful of what he has for me, like throughout the day and just sensitive to the Spirit and what he's calling me for.

So, it's different than just reading your Bible.

You can read your Bible every day and not be sensitive to it.

And so I think that's where I had kind of gotten away from.

Like, I just wasn't as sensitive to like what he was calling me to in just regular day to day life.

I read something yesterday, and it said, praying is like asking God a question, and reading the Word is like getting the answer.

There's something along those lines.

I thought that was very powerful.


So I'm still working to strengthen my prayer life and everything like that, but which I will always try to strengthen that.

That's something I think that any of us mastered.

But yeah, I think that that has just been huge.

And the most important thing, if I stay at this weight forever, but I'm eating how God wants me to, and exercising how he wants me to, then I'm going to be okay with that.

And you will, as you continue to lean in to your macro plan, you will see the results that you want to see.

I think I've lost like two pounds or something like that.

But it's not been like a stress, I guess.

It's just something, knowing I'm eating good foods and fueling my body and everything.

And so, yeah, the progress will come.

Yeah, it absolutely will.

So, what about any recommendations for improvement in the program?

I think at the very beginning, having like an explanation of this is how I want you to work through stuff, that would be helpful.

Because I think at the beginning, I was kind of like, okay, like should I get this done in a week?

Should I, like, how am I supposed to do this?


So, in the new program that's launching on Monday, everything is dripped.

So, each step is one week.

So, you get one week to work on each step, and then at the end of that week, then you'll get access to the next step.

So, I did change that because that was something I even thought about, like that's so much information for us to have to talk about, like, in one call to go through all that stuff.

And then also, we're going to have group coaching, and it's going to be every week.

So, there's live coaching every week.

So, it's not one time a month, like, oh, hey, I was going to talk about this, but then it's been three weeks and I forgot kind of thing.

So, good.

Okay, what else?

Otherwise, the program was really good, and it brought things to the forefront that I hadn't really thought about before.

So, I really liked that.


Thank you.

I appreciate that.

So, how to work through stuff and then more of like a time schedule.



Then if you decide you want to continue on with the framework, I do, it's 50 percent off for any student who's gone through the original program.

So, if you decide you want to do that.


Appreciate that.


All right.

Well, I would like to know how your fast goes.

Yes, I will let you know.



I will.

I will message you.


I will be praying.


I appreciate it.

All right.

Let's say a prayer and we'll hop off.



Thank you, Heavenly Father, for this day.

Thank you for time with Erica.

We thank you for the beautiful sunshine and the warmer temps today.

Father, forgive me for not praying at the beginning of our call.

You know, my brain is a little mushy these days, but we just thank you for our time together.

I thank you for showing up for Erica.

This month and through this process, we thank you for the way that you speak to us through the Holy Spirit, and then divine confirmation through husbands and the Word and songs and people.

Lord, you just, you always remind us of your good that you have for us, and we're so thankful for that.

I want to pray a hedge of protection over Erica's family.

Keep them healthy and strong and safe.

Be with her as she moves into her fast tomorrow, Lord.

Just give her the strength that she needs, and just speak to her in a mighty way, Lord.

We know that fasting is such an intentional, intimate opportunity to experience your presence, and we thank you for that.

We thank you for the gift of fasting.

We thank you for the gift of your voice, and we thank you for the gift of Jesus, for his life, death, and resurrection.

We thank you for Erica and the next steps that she will take, and just grateful for who she is and the ability to connect with her.

And we just thank you for the work you're going to continue to do in her and through her, in her family, in her home, in her work, Lord, and just continue to speak to her in all ways.

We love you and we praise you, and we ask this in your precious name.



All right, sister.


Hey, sweets.

I hope you enjoyed today's episode.

If so, would you take 30 seconds and share it with a friend who may also want to lose weight without all the dieting and restriction?

Also, please leave a quick review for the show on Apple Podcast.

It lights me up to know this podcast is helping you.

Okay, it's time to go make a protein shake and get my sweat on.

No more standing in the kitchen waiting for motivation to appear.

I'll meet you back next week for another episode.

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