Her Weight Loss Mindset | Lose Weight, Meal Prep, Healthy Habits, and Workouts

Faith Over Forks: How to Let God Lead Your Eating Habits

Lindy Schlabach - Christian Mindset & Weight Loss Coach Season 1 Episode 54

1 Corinthians 10:31 says, "So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." What does that encourage you to do? The part, or whatever you do, speaks volumes to me, does it you? 

Whatever we do we are to honor God. When we Pray before we shop, Pray before we eat and Pray over our triggers, God can show up for us and lead us as He needs to.

This verse and this call is a constant reminder that God alone is our Provider and He will give us everything we need when we seek His face. Will you have the courage to give Him your choices today?

Are you sick of trying diet after diet and NOT losing weight?

Hey there friend, I'm Lindy Schlabach, Christian Fitness & Nutrition Coach. I gained 100 pounds in my late twenties and struggled for years to get it off. Seven years ago, I found a basic system that worked and has helped me lose 90 of those pounds. I’ve been working with women in online fitness and nutrition ever since to break chains of diet culture, embrace their bodies and fueling instead of dieting.

In this podcast, I'll teach you how to:

  • • Lose Weight in a Way that honors God without obsessing about the scale
    • Meal Plan and Prep for Your Family
    • Follow a MACRO based plan that allows you to eat the foods you love.
    • Recognize and pray through triggers keeping you stuck.
    • I’ll help you Plan your week and schedule your self-care time.
    • Cultivate a spirit of self-discipline in your workouts you actually enjoy.

    It's time to give God your health journey and watch Him make you new, from the inside, OUT.

Join The Biblical Weight Loss Framework: https://bit.ly/JoinTheWeightLossFramework

Join my FREE Community + get a copy of my Free Weight Loss & Routine Guide: www.herweightlossmindset.com

Check out my FREE Nutrition & Fitness Masterclass: https://youtu.be/EqM9jfQMbBA

Hey, there.

So today we're gonna talk about how to let God guide our eating habits.

Listen, I have been on a weight loss journey, oh my word, since 2005, I think.

That's 20 years, how sad is that?

And I have struggled time and time again with making good eating choices, even still today.

So today we're gonna talk about three ways to let God guide our eating habits.

So stay tuned, and just think about this question.

What if God could help you make a healthier choice every day?

Think about that.

Hey sister, welcome to Her Weight Loss Mindset.

Are you sick of trying diet after diet and not losing weight?

Do you wish you could find easy meal prep ideas for your family so you're not standing in the kitchen yet again, wondering what everyone is going to eat for dinner that's in line with your goals?

Do you spend hours googling easy workouts but then have no time to do them because your motivation only goes so far?

Hey there friend, I'm Lindy Schlabach, Christian Fitness & Nutrition Coach, encourager and friend.

I gained 100 pounds in my late 20s and struggled for years to get it off.

Seven years ago, I found a basic system that works and has helped me lose over 90 of those pounds.

I've been working with women in online fitness and nutrition ever since.

In this podcast, I'll teach you how to lose weight in a way that honors God without obsessing about the scale, and meal plan and prep for your family, and follow a macro-based plan that allows you to eat the foods you love while you reach your goals.

It's time to give God your health journey and watch him make you new from the inside out.

You've got this sister.

Now go grab your pre-workout or your third coffee like me and let's chat.

If you are struggling to lose weight in a biblical way, join the biblical weight loss framework.

We are kicking off February 3rd, and that's today.

I am so excited about this group.

Come in and join us.

We are going to take a biblical approach to weight loss, to seeking God's will over our bodies.

It's actually going to fall in line with a lot of what we're talking about today.

So if you'd like to find out some info, if you'd like to apply, check the link at the show notes below.

And I look forward to chatting about you and learning more about your goals.

So I could talk all day about this question.

I have struggled with food choices my entire life.

I did a fast a couple years ago over Ritz crackers.

Like I had this unhealthy obsession with Ritz crackers.

When they came out with those fresh stacks, like I would justify eating a fresh stack of crackers every day.

And I would take my little fresh stack and I would take some peanut butter and I would take a couple pieces of Kroger Havarti cheese.

If you've ever had it, you know what I'm talking about.

And I would sit on my couch and that was my snack.

And I put a little bit of peanut butter on my Ritz cracker.

And I'd put a little bit of Havarti cheese on there and I would eat like an entire thing.

And I did this for a long time and it became this massive idol in my life.


If I see a cupcake anywhere, like I don't care what flavor it is.

If it's beautiful, I want to eat it.

Like it has legit been a struggle for me my entire life.

I'm married into an Amish family.

Like every single woman in my family can make the most amazing desserts.

My mother-in-law makes these like I think she calls them sour cream cookies.

I don't know how she makes them.

They have like a maple frosting.

They're like the best thing you will ever eat.

So it's really easy for me to struggle and to make food an idol in my life.

And then it can even become an idol when I'm trying to not eat those foods because I'm trying to focus so much on what I can't have that I'm not focusing on what I can have through Holy Spirit conviction and the power of Jesus.

So anything that I ever share with you in this podcast, these are things that I have dealt with personally.

So I'm never here to point a finger.

I'm never here to judge or shame.

I am here to tell you that I've been there.

I'm often there still.

And so you're not alone.

These are the things that I have found that have allowed me to help God, allow God to guide my eating habits.

So in preparing for the Biblical Weight Loss Framework, I have been prayerfully adding verses to our trainings.

And it's funny that I felt, I found this verse when I was preparing for this podcast.

And it's from 1 Corinthians 10 31.

And it says, so whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.

And isn't that funny?

It says, so whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.

So that whole whatever you do, those two seemingly small words, like literally whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.

Whether you eat or drink, how you speak, how you rest, how you talk, like how you treat other people, how you dress, how you drive, how you work, like do it all for the glory of God.

And so when you think about allowing God, letting God, seeking God's will over your eating habits, it becomes an opportunity for discipline and stewardship.

And we read in Galatians about the fruit of the spirit.

And one of the fruits of the spirit is self-discipline.

So if Christ is your personal savior, you have the fruit of self-discipline in you.

You just have to sometimes cultivate it.

So we read about that.

We talk about discipline.

We talk about stewardship.

We talk about being the light and stewarding our gifts well.

To steward something is to take care of it, to take ownership of it.

And when God gives us this body and this purpose and this life, it is his to do with as he wants to.

We just often, so often, so many times, for me personally anyway, I'm constantly, my flesh is constantly fronting against the spirit.

So a couple of things that I want you to really start to implement in your daily routine, three things.

Are you ready?

We're going to pray before you grocery shop.

Ask the Lord.

Okay, Lord, what is it that I need to eat this week?

What does my family need to eat?

A couple of years ago, I was really struggling to find an after workout meal, and he's like, I want you to eat oatmeal.

I have hated, loathed, been disgusted by oatmeal my entire life.

Four years ago, I started eating oatmeal, and it was like the best oatmeal I'd ever tasted, and it wasn't anything fancy.

It was just plain oats that I made into oatmeal with a little bit of honey and some frozen blueberries.

And it's just really funny how when you pray and ask him to guide you to what he wants you to eat, he will.

So before you go grocery shopping, lay your hand over that grocery list and say, okay, Lord, what is it that I need to add?

What is it that I need to take away?

And then again, have the strength and courage to walk in obedience.

Because if you have a ton of processed foods that you're grabbing from the middle of the store, there's a very good chance that he's going to convict you to put some whole healthy foods into yourself and into the people that you're feeding in your home.

Because we know, if we've studied, if we've read, if we read ingredients, processed food does nothing for our families.

There is zero nutritional value in it, and most of the time it has so many ingredients in it that we don't even know what they are.

Our food is oftentimes created from chemicals, and that is not eating biblically.

So we're gonna pray before we eat.

Okay, you sit down to a big meal with friends, you're out to dinner.

How do you pray before you eat?

My husband and I, we always pray before we eat.

I don't care if we're at home, out to dinner, like, it just doesn't matter.

We're always praying before we eat.

We have friends that we go out to eat with.

They will pray before dinner.

So if you are in a mindset of, you're not comfortable with that, that's okay.

Just in your mind as you're getting ready to go to dinner, or you're in the car, or you're sitting down and you're looking at the menu and you've already planned out what you're gonna eat because, you know, it's technology 2025.

You can go look at the menu at most places.

You have this whole thing planned out and then somebody walks by with this amazing special, or one of your friends orders this amazing special, and you thought that you and your friend were accountability partners in your, you know, trying to watch your eating habits and make better choices, and then now all of a sudden, you're stuck at this crossroads.

So get in the habit of praying before you eat.

Okay, Father, give me the strength to obey your word.

If you put a nudge in my heart to eat something specifically, Lord, please help me have the strength and courage to do it.

Every time before you eat, get in the habit of praying.

Start praying with gratitude for the opportunity to have food to eat.

God will lead you.

He will guide you.

He will tell you exactly what to eat.

He will tell you exactly what to shop for in the grocery store.

He will tell you when to stop eating, then have the obedience, the strength to obey.

Third tip, you're going to pray over your triggers.

These are things we talk about a lot in the weight loss framework.

These are things that we prayerfully dig into and spend a lot of time working on, really through the entire three months because there are so many times that we have implanted triggers from our childhood, and they're not necessarily always trauma triggers.

Sometimes it's eating to celebrate or eating when you're sad.

Anytime some emotional disturbance comes up, you're tempted to go towards the Ben & Jerry's or the Ritz crackers like me.

It's really having the strength to pray and ask God to help you dig up those seeds so that you can start to recognize those triggers.

Sometimes triggers are people.

I love my grandmother very much.

We're very close.

She's a trigger for me.

Her house is like a candy workshop with all of the things that I know make me feel like poo.

And I really sometimes have to like pray hard before I walk into her house.

And then as I'm in her house, especially when it's like slathered all over the counter, it's very easy for me to walk into unhealthy mindsets.

And then there comes this whole level of like shame and spiraling and gluttony and fear and just all of these things that are just they're not of God.

So if we start to pray before we shop and pray before we eat and start to pray over our triggers so that we can even recognize them, God will do a work in our hearts that we can't even begin to fathom.

So think about that verse again, 1 Corinthians 10 31.

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.

Whatever you do, all right?

I am struggling too, but this is a daily reminder to keep trying, stay in prayer and He will lead you.

So if you are struggling in this area, if you want to let God guide these eating habits, guide your eating habits, guide your workout habits, guide your trigger process, join the Biblical weight loss framework.

It is a 90-day deep dive into all of the things that have kept you stuck in unhealthy mindsets and have prevented you from really reaching the weight loss goals, the health goals, and maybe your God-given goals and walking in your purpose.

We're going to work all of those things out.

I'm never going to promise you you're going to hit your weight loss goal in the framework.

You're not going to unless you have a five-pound weight loss goal, then maybe.

This is setting you up with healthy habits that will allow you to let God lead your journey.

Yes, eventually, you will hit those goals biblically, prayerfully, through wisdom and discernment.

Check it out.

Join us.

I can't wait to chat with you and thank you for tuning in.

Take care and God bless.

Hey, sweets, I hope you enjoyed today's episode.

If so, would you take 30 seconds and share it with a friend who may also want to lose weight without all the dieting and restriction?

Also, please leave a quick review for the show on Apple Podcasts.

It lights me up to know this podcast is helping you.

Okay, it's time to go make a protein shake and get my sweat on.

No more standing in the kitchen waiting for motivation to appear.

I'll meet you back next week for another episode.

Be blessed.

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